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Head Chef Fab is making big changes to meal service

Fab has been working hard on a program of improvements that’s focused on quality, variety and flexibility. Residents are now enjoying more meal options, more fresh and seasonal ingredients, and more choice over when and where they have their meals.

You’ll often find Fab visiting the dining rooms asking the residents for feedback about their meals and what they’d like to see on the menu. Not surprisingly, country classics are high on the request list! Fab’s favourite part of his role is seeing how beautifully prepared food can make their day more special.

So, what’s in the pipeline with meal service at Yaralla and Groundwater? Residents will soon enjoy an improved dining room experience with new tablecloths, serviettes and crockery, and we’re welcoming another qualified chef to join our team. Fab is also reintroducing regular Food Focus meetings to give residents even more say in the menu design. Most exciting is the major refurbishment of the kitchens at Groundwater and Yaralla planned for April this year.